Salas Squad Stay Healthy Club Sign up if you are interested in joining teachers, staff, and families, as we join together to reach our 200 mile goal before December 31, 2020.
Spirit Week Please look at the calendar and the flyer for our 1st Spirit Week of the year, sponsored by our 2020 Student Council
Alliance College Ready Middle Academy Presentation Join us and the Principal from Alliance College Ready Middle Academy, as they share a bit about their middle school program. We encourage all 4th and 5th grade families to attend.
Ellen Ochoa Middle School Presentation Today at 4pm! Please join alumni from Extera, and the principal from Ellen Ochoa, as they share about their Middle School program, and tips on how to be successful. We encourage all 4th and 5th grade families to attend.
Distance Learning Protocols If you have not completed your Parent Homework from Week 1, please do so now! We need 100% of parents to review the protocols for Distance Learning. Thank you!
Infinite Campus Parent Portal is Here! The launch of our Parent Portal is here! Please check your email for your activation code, and download the app!
After School Program Please access the After School Program's page on our Learning Hub for more information
Alternative Learning Centers Some LA parks and rec centers are opening up to support families during distance learning. Space is limited so register now if you are in need.